This form is a request for a rental and that the completion of this form does not guarantee my rental of the requested facility. I have read and fully comprehend the facility rules and regulations. Requests are subject to approval based on date and facility availability as well as appropriate and compatible facility use.The Yolo County Fairgrounds has 55 acres of open spaces, buildings, and RV hook ups to meet the needs of meetings, conferences, parties, weddings/receptions, conventions, BBQs, festivals, and public events.
Staff will be happy to give you a tour of the buildings or other sites that interest you.
The deposit fee is
required to reserve the building (hold the date). In the event of a cancellation, $250 is a
non refundable. If the event is canceled less than 4 month (120 days) prior to the event date, the entire deposit is forfeited. Additional fees may be assessed because of damage and/or additional time for clean up by staff.
No alcohol is allowed at events for persons under 21 years of age, unless prior arrangements have been made with management*.
For events where alcohol is allowed and is a public event, an Alcohol Permit is required from ABC and signed by the California Highway Patrol Woodland office and the Yolo County Fairgrounds. The renter must follow the state requirements for selling and/or serving alcohol.
Security guards are required for all private and public events. Security contracts are due no later than 30 days prior to your event. If any changes are made to the contract the Fairgrounds must be notified within 24 hours. Each venue has a set number of guards, but more maybe asked for at the discretion of management at any time
*Additional fees will apply.
We’re here to help make your event or activity a successful one.
All users of the Yolo County Fairgrounds must provide a certificate of insurance in the amount of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limits, bodily injury and property damage, listing the Yolo County Fair, 40th Agricultural Association, and the State of California as additional insured. Special Events liability insurance may be purchased through the Association at a nominal fee. Security is required for all event, and must be selected from our approved list of security companies.
It is understood that this is an application ONLY and does not bind either party.
No Announcement of date(s) and/or publicity regarding any event be made public until a formal Agreement is fully executed by both the applicant and the Yolo County Fair, 40th Agricultural Association. In the event that this Application is submitted on behalf of an organization, the undersigned represents the he/she is an officer thereof and authorized by the organization to make this Application on its behalf. By signing this document, the undersigned represents that the information contained herein is complete and accurate. Further, the undersigned hereby grants the reference(s) listed in this Application permission to release to Yolo County Fair, 40th Agricultural Association any information necessary to validate the information contained herein.