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Demolition Derby - Payout and Rules

2025 Demolition Derby

Total Purse!


Yolo County Fairgrounds, Woodland, California


Friday, August 15th - 7:00 PM

Trucks with a Single Heat Event of 80's or Newer

Saturday, August 16th - 7:00 PM
Welded Stock Cars

**Everyone, regardless of age, must have a ticket to attend the Demolition Derby.

Car Entry Fee

$60.00 Entry Fee Includes:
1 Car Entry
1 Driver Pit Wristband
1 Crewmember Wristband

Pit Passes

Pit Pass Fees are $35.00 per Crewmember
**As stated in the Payouts 2024 PDF located at the bottom of this webpage.

Rules and Regulations

Friday, August 15 - (trucks + 80’s or Newer Non-Weld)** All Trucks will be required to qualify for Main event in a heat – Officials decisions are final. See PDF for payout details

Trucks MAD DOG Winner - $2,000 – Potential to increase with Sponsorship

Saturday, August 16 - (Welded + Gut & Go)** All Cars will be required to qualify for Main event in a heat – Officials decisions are final. See PDF for payout details

Welded MAD DOG Winner - $2,000 - Potential to increase with Sponsorship

  • Trophies: Trophy to 1st place in each heat and 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in Final Heats (Welded, MWFA, Truck, Non-Weld).Trophy for Best Looking for each class (Truck, 80’s & Newer, Welded and Gut & Go.
  • Total Purse: $42,000.00
  • No Refunds All drivers must show ID and if driver is under 18 years of age, then they must have their parents with them to sign Notice of Non-Responsibility form.
  • Everyone entering the pits must be at least 16 years of age. All people entering the pits that are 16 and 17 years of age must have their parents present to sign the Notice of Non-Responsibility form. Everyone will be required to show valid ID. Everyone must pay a $35.00 pit fee and sign a Notice of Non-Responsibility. Pit wrist band must always be worn. A Pit Pass is for the pit area only, limited viewing of Derby from this area. No open toe shoes allowed in the pit area.
  • Vehicles that were battered from other derbies may run if they pass all safety rules and inspections. New or previous used Derby vehicles may run either day if they comply with the rules.
  • Pit Gate opens at 1:00 p.m. daily and Closes at 6:00 p.m. No Exceptions.
  • Each Vehicle must be individually numbered – No A, B, C
  • Any cars left on the grounds after midnight on the night of their entry will be considered abandoned and will be towed at owners’ expense
  • Vehicles will be divided into two or three heats up to the top 5 finishers (by officials’ decision) advancing to destruction final heat. The Consolation Heat will be open to any non-qualifiers from first heats. Up to the top five finishers from the Consolation Heat will also move to the destruction final. First heats will be established by “blind draw.”
  • Strict enforcement of rules, as well as track conduct, will be the official’s primary concern. Drivers only are allowed on the track. No Pit Crew Members allowed on the track. Any non- drivers on the track will be removed from the track and possibly from the fairgrounds.
  • One service vehicle will be allowed in derby area with each derby vehicle entry. Parking will be provided for trailers outside the pit area.
  • Beer, alcoholic beverages, or drugs are not allowed in pits or parking area or in your private vehicles. Any violation of this rule will result in being disqualified for the day’s event and loss of pit pass.
  • Fighting and / or abusive language will also disqualify you from the events and likely future Yolo County Fair Destruction Derbies. Misconduct could result in the removal from the fairgrounds.
  • Only the American Flag may be flown, no other flags are allowed.
  • Derby winner will be decided by last vehicle running.
  • You will be disqualified by the officials for sandbagging.
  • Official’s decision is final in all cases.

2025 Yolo County Fair Derby Tech Team

Head Tech: Dale Nelson
Support Techs: Eric Mulay, Mike Charter, Gary Flack, Steve Macwilliams
Inspection Recorder/Scribe: Pending

Contact Information:
Fair Office 530.402.2222
Facebook Direct Message

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