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Power Wheels Derby

Update Notice

Attn: Power Wheels Derby participant and pit crews please check your emails for check in instructions. Pits open at 10:30 AM!
1st Annual Power Wheels Derby. A family event for the sole purpose of having fun!

Age Classes (Age as of Aug 14, 2024):

3 to 5-year-olds - Full

6 to 8-year-olds

9 to 11-year-olds

Registration Information
  1. Registration opens May 6th - No registration fee!
  2. Maximum 20 entries per age group
  3. First come registrations
  4. First 2 weeks limited to Yolo County Residents ONLY
  5. Open to all neighboring counties after May 20th
  6. Registration closes July 1st, 2024
  7. Late registration closes July 31st - $25 late fee

General Rules

  1. Any regular electric Power Wheel is allowed.
  2. NO 4-wheeler types of vehicles permitted.
  3. Vehicles are allowed UP TO a 12-volt lawn mower battery which cannot be mounted in the passenger seat. Battery must remain secured and sealed away from the child.
  4. All doors and tailgates must be strapped shut. No sharp edges. Use zip ties or duct tape (or other flexible material) to make them stay shut.
  5. Stock tires only. No screws in tires, no chains, no rubber tires, etc.
  6. Vehicle must remain at stock height – cannot be lowered or raised.
  7. No added reinforcements for strength allowed.
Safety Rules
  1. Helmets must be worn at all times. Bicycle helmets are acceptable.
  2. Legs must remain in the compartment. Sit IN not ON.
  3. Seatbelt is required.
  4. If the child leaves the vehicle at any time during the derby that child is disqualified from the event.
  5. Closed-toed shoes are required. No sandals.
Power Wheel Decorations
  1. Power wheels may be decorated to look like a demo derby car, but the car can NOT be reinforced.
  2. Decoration can only be made out of the following: cardboard, tape, paper, etc.
  3. Keep in mind this is for fun for the children!
  4. Each power wheel must have a number on each side for scoring.
Power Wheel Event
  1. Drop off power wheels by 11:00 a.m. for inspection and balloons.
  2. Each age group will be given a time limit.
  3. 1 parent will be allowed on the track with their child during the event.
  4. All power wheels will be checked in at pit gate, then impounded until time of the event.
  5. 2 balloons will be furnished and attached to the front and back of the power wheel. When the child's balloons are popped, they will be eliminated from the derby.
  6. The winner will be the child with a balloon still inflated and attached.
Please download and read the rules and Rules and Regulations form.

All require a ticket regardless of age.
Power Wheels - Late Registration Fee
Power Wheels - Late Registration Fee
July 07 - July 31, 2024
Late Registration Fee - Late Registration Fee closes July 31st
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